CD Digipak Analysis (of a similar genre to my own)
Website findings reference:
Shakira - Donde Estan Los Ladrones? (1998) Retail CD
This digipak fits well with Shakira's genre of music, as the design expresses her niche and who is she is about. This cover is constructing a brand image of Shakira being innocent, because there is no exposure or revealing clothes being worn. The themes/colors/typography match on each side of the digipak, including the CD. This is what I need to take note on for my own digipak design. This digipak is likely to appeal to its target audience because the theme matches the music type which she has always produced, clearly, it is targeted at a young adult audience, consisting of females.
Stereophonics - Just Enough Education To Perform (11 Tracks) (2001) Retail CD
This digipak is different to the previous because there are no photos, only drawings and graphics. However, this still makes the digipak effective because of the way that it's been carried on, onto each side - which makes it become a key concept/theme for the pack. It reaches out to Stereophonic's target audience (of 17-28 year olds), as their genre is alternative rock, and I feel that this digipak's design portrays this well. I also feel that this is what the target audience's age range would appeal to. The pack's typography/theme/colours, etc... maintains the band's image because it portrays their genre well and signifies an atmosphere about their music and lyrics.
Inside Again - End Of The Beginning (2010) Retail CD
The digipak for this band 'Inside Again' portrays the genre of their music clearly, which is in fact progressive rock/metal.. Even though this is not the same genre as to what my music video/digipak shall be, I thought that the digipak was effective in the way that it's style is the most consistent and stays the most true throughout many other digipaks I have researched. I have learnt something from analyzing this digipak: that the colouring is what connotes the genre of the band's music the most, which would instantly attract its target audience (of young adults, being mostly men). This digipak is maintaining and constructing a brand image through the detail behind the colour co-ordination/typography/photos of the band etc...
Magazine Advert Analysis

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