Advances in new technologies help to develop the industry's creative process which in result branches out to create these new technological developments within both industries and conglomerates - making them economically more efficient, as well as more popular as a brand and more revolutionary in the society we live in today which revolves round change and technological developments and advances. This is the main relationship between creativity and new technologies.
How I used Media 2.0 technologies to complete this marketing package:
I found that my creativity was enabled greatly by the new technologies which I was using.
- This is because the Panasonic HD DV camera we used had a great depth of field use and was a good portable weight so that I could use it easily to film different angles and at different shot lengths, etc.
- Adobe Premiere Pro was also extremely useful to branch out creatively, as it enabled me to use the different editing options to split, lengthen and add effects to our footage.
- Adobe Photoshop was also beneficial creatively for the same reasons, with my digipak.
- This is because I was able to use items such as the Eye-drop tool to change/copy the hue onto different parts of my digipak's pallets, manipulate the size of the images, add text and change the font and sizing of it, etc.
- Using the website DaFont also greatly helped my creativity regarding the letting for titles on my digipak and magazine adverts, etc.
- Getting audience responses on YouTube and Facebook enabled interaction with the audiences, making them be actively respond because they are taking control of the new technologies.

This my director's commentary on the creative decisions behind the music video, and how we filmed and edited it overall:
Media 2.0 technologies not only benefited me during the marketing package process, but also whilst writing about my work and blogging on 'Blogger.' This is because:
- I was able to change the colour (hue) of the text, as well as the size, and adding bold, italics and underline options at preference.
- I could embed SlideShare to demonstrate images and diagrams easily (as it is a smaller development of PowerPoint to post easily around the internet).
- I could embed YouTube clips which I had previously edited on Premiere Pro or Photoshop.
- I could upload an image around my text, and change the size and position of it so that it could illustrate what my text was explaining in a visual way.

The theory of technical determinism is something which applies greatly to the making of my marketing package. This theory is based around the idea that the technology of society is the back bone of today's cultural values, beliefs, opinions and most importantly - the social structure. As I come to evaluate the technical determinism against my own work, I do not believe that Media 2.0 (new technologies) influenced the entirety of my work, even though I believe that it greatly benefited it.

I feel that I kept a certain amount of control over the technology I was using. As example - I was editing on Adobe Premiere Pro and I was using the advances in technology which it gave me, but I used to the extent of it helping my work creatively 'grow' and 'branch out,' because I am aware that there is a line otherwise in danger of being crossed where I could have relied on new technologies too much.
Do develop on this, an further example would be putting a tremendous amount of effects on my footage to make it have the right lighting/atmosphere, instead of properly setting up studio lights and adjusting the Canon HD DV camera in accordance to them when filming on set.
In conclusion, we controlled the new technologies skillfully so that there was a great influence of creativity on our part, without letting the new technologies control us, which would have ended up in a great lack of original creativity. Therefore, I am being active instead of passive because I am being in control of the new technologies. However I was being passive when looking for influences on YouTube and Google, because I was 'soaking up' what the media was feeding me - however I made conscious decisions to use my inspirations and influences cleverly so that my final work would use different ideas I found and developed from it.
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